ESN Trento organises ESNow every year,
here you can find an answer to some of your questions.
Where can I get the tickets?

Only ESN sections are accredited to sell tickets for ESNow, contact the ESN section of your university. If there is no ESN section at your University you can contact ESN Trento via mail at ESNow@esntrento.it!

How much does the ticket cost?

The price of the ticket varies depending on where you are from, the ESN section you contact will take care of all the issues to make your trip be the best snow week ever.

What if I can't ski?

No Panic! There will be teaching sessions for beginners, you can find all info on the tickets page. You can also decide to participate without skiing, there are many other ways to have fun anyway!

I don't have my ski/snowboard gear, what should I do?

Don't you worry child, on the tickets page you can find all reduced rental fees, for your whole stay during the event.

Who will participate?

ESN Sections from all over Italy are participating to ESNow, we'll be a big family having fun together, ESN style!

About alcohol

We were sure you would ask. Drink responsibly, and don't forget it's PROHIBITED to be drunk while skiing! Keep your thirst for the night parties.

Are tickets available on site?

No, all tickets must be presold. There won't be any opportunity to get a ticket on site. Contact your ESN section.

About wristbands?

Just... Don't lose it, you'll need it almost everywhere.

Can I even?

Sorry, but you don't make any sense.